Pilates/Yoga ONLINE

montags  17.00-18.00h MEZ 

freitags 9.00-10.00h MEZ


Bleibe im Flow, bleibe (werde) geschmeidig.


- flexibel mitmachen, egal wo Du wohnst!


Ich sende Dir die Stunde immer im Anschluss immer zu, so kannst Du es auch in Ruhe mal später nachmachen, falls Du mals verhindert sein solltest.



      Die Stunde findet über ZOOM statt. 

Einzelstunde: 12 Euro

10er Kurs: 90 Euro

Yoga & Pilates Kurs

12,00 €

Was Teilnehmerinnen sagen:

Achtung: neue Zeit 👉17.30-18.30h MEZ

Disclaimer: As the information provided is not yet scientifically recognized, the following is a disclaimer:
The services and information offered are truthful and take place under exclusion of any liability and warranty. A cure cannot be assumed and a promise of healing cannot be made. Spiritual healing, energy transfer and all other information serve to activate the self-healing powers and do not replace diagnosis or treatment by a doctor or alternative practitioner. The information, healings etc. do not constitute medical, psychiatric or psychological treatment, are not therapy and cannot replace treatment by a doctor, alternative practitioner or medication.